When I leave the university I will go to work in the south of Chile I have everything in mind.
I will live in the countryside, next to my family ... I will do my house on a hill next to a small forest and I will have a wonderful view towards the Rahue river and my beloved city of Osorno ... and in the background the volcano Osorno and Tronador .
In what I work I do not care much, as long as I stay near my house, but my future and ideal job would be to work in government-related services like SAG, the Ministry of the Environment or the INIA.

I really like the idea of ​​working for the government, as it could be of great help to my community, in case work at INIA would be under investigation, so it could improve the quality of our forests and make them more resistant to agriculture and livestock.
I would like to work in an office, but I do not rule out the idea of ​​being in the field collecting data and samples, I love the idea of ​​being inside a building with a coffee rate and very comfortable.

As for the wage as long as I have to eat, pay my bills and go on vacation, I know I will not make a millionaire with that job, but as long as I make happy it will be fine.


  1. the research area and southern Chile are good combination for a forestry engineer <3

  2. Glad to see you have everithing planned :)

  3. the south of Chile is very good to work on that

  4. I like your idea to work in the south, and live there: D

  5. I agree with you, no matter the money, as long as you like! :)

  6. The south of Chile is a really good place to work in it

  7. Your work is great, perhaps to follow your steps xD


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